How to Apply Access Bank PayDay Loan, Using Access USSD Code

Do you know that you can get loan using access bank USSD loan code? Yes in fact a lot of people are receiving up to ₦500,000.00 via this system of borrowing, all you need is an active access bank account and a phone number attached to the your access bank account. I will tell you everything you need to know about access bank PayDay loan and how to get a loan using access bank loan code.

What is Access Bank PayDay Loan?

Access bank PayDay loan is a type loan that allows Access bank both Access and non-Access bank customer to get quick emergency loan at a low interest rate for both salary and non-salary earners. This loan aims to help individuals and customers who might have gotten into a critical condition and might need urgent funding to solve a particular problem at a particular point of time. This loan requires no document or collateral and might not require your physical presence at Access Bank branch, procedures can be carried out either by using the Access Mobile App or via Access bank loan code.

What Are The Interest Rate?

Like I said earlier, Access bank PayDay Loan has a very low interest rates for lenders. Access bank customers get to pay only 10% interest fee, for example if you borrow ₦100K then you pay back ₦110K when your loan overdue, While non-Access bank customers payback 11% interest fee which is ₦111K for  ₦100K, this interest rate is very good compare to others banks that charges more than 20% interest rate for any amount borrowed.

How Much Can I Get From Access PayDay Loan?

The amount you receive from Access bank PayDay loan differs depending on what you earn monthly. Your loan offer is 75% of your monthly salary,  Meaning that if you earn up to ₦100K monthly, you're entitled to receive ₦75K PayDay Loan. You will see your eligible loan offer the moment you've dialed the Access bank loan code or by accessing your mobile app.

When is the PayDay Loan due for repayment?

Your PayDay loan overdue when you receive your salary, or 30 days from when you might have gotten the loan. When you receive your salary, your outstanding PayDay loan will automatically be deducted from your account, it also gives you a good PayDay credit record and improve your chance of receiving more loans at any point of time.

Eligibility and Requirements

  1. You must reside in Nigeria
  2. Must be 18+ years
  3. Make sure that you're using the phone number linked to your BVN
  4. You must pay all your outstanding loan at other digital financial institutions
  5. You must provide your bank evidence of your salary payments in the previous months
  6. You must maintain a good credit score

Apply For PayDay Loan using Access Bank Loan Code 

One of the good things about this Access Bank PayDay loan is that you can apply for a loan using the Acces bank ussd loan code
  • Dial *901*11# 
  • Input your account details
  • Input your personal details and other required documents and then submit
  • Wait for the next 24 - 48 hours  (sometimes it takes less than 3 hours) for feedback, once your application has been approved, your bank account will be credited instantly.

What happens when I default my loan?

When you default your PayDay loan, you will be receiving and automatic deduction from any account linked to your BVN. Secondly, you might end up ruining your credit record which might prevent you from receiving another loan and finally, your BVN might be reported to Nigeria Credit Bureau which might prevent you from making use of your account until you clear your outstanding loan.


Access bank PayDay can be very fast and rewarding especially using the loan code. However before trying to borrow make sure that you've strategize the repayment plan so that you wouldn't end up getting frustrated or troubled. This loan can be very rewarding befitting especially to earners. Let me know what you think about Access bank PayDay Loan at the comment section. 

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